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Rejuvenating Our City Centre, Tackling Business Crime and More Covered in the Latest Issue of Network Magazine

We are delighted to announce that the second edition of Network is now available to read.

Released on a quarterly basis, this magazine has its finger firmly on the pulse and explores timely debates that we know are relevant to our members.

From original features and insightful interviews, right through to detailed company profiles, it is far more extensive than our weekly newsletter and really allows us to get under the bonnet of the pressing issues of the day.

For the second edition, we have explored the various topics that were raised at our 2023 Business Conference back in June.

If you couldn't make it to that event, it was an all-encompassing conversation about the future of our city that had input from over 200 Chamber members.

The discussion here was candid, yet crucially still optimistic, reflecting on how things haven’t exactly been going our way in the region lately, but also looking at what more can be done to get South Yorkshire back on track.

However, the most important part of the event was that it was wholly interactive, affording guests regular opportunities to feed into the conversation. Indeed, the crowd were encouraged to reflect on Doncaster’s assorted fortunes & setbacks from recent months, and to share their own aspirations for the years ahead.

For this magazine, we will be following up on some of the themes that were raised and will be exploring them in more detail.

With our headline feature, we have spoken to key stakeholders (including businesses and the commissioner of South Yorkshire Police) about the need to rejuvenate our City Centre and what that will entail. Meanwhile, we have also interviewed a local manufacturer that is currently doing incredible work to represent Brand Doncaster on the world stage, and picked the brains of an entrepreneur who has seemingly perfected the art of collaboration.

If you were at our business conference in June, then it will be interesting to see all of these ideas unpacked. If not, then this should be a great chance to catch up on what’s next for Doncaster!

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