Employer Support
Business Showcase Days
Business Showcase Days are an opportunity for students, parents and careers leads to visit businesses in Doncaster for a look behind the scenes and learn about the career opportunities available.
What are Business Showcase Days?
We know that businesses across Doncaster can struggle to attract and retain homegrown talent, and that school and college leavers aren’t aware of the job prospects in local firms. Business Showcase Days are your way to open the doors of your business to the local community and provide a chance for people to see first-hand the range of different career paths on offer.
Why should I offer one?
The young people who visit might already have an interest in your industry and you’ll be helping them to confirm their potential career choices. They’ll get to see what they could be doing on a daily basis when they venture in to the world of work. For the students who are unsure of the opportunities available to them or aren’t aware of what your business does, you’ll be helping to raise their aspirations and open their minds to potential future career possibilities. You’re also making first steps to engaging with your potential future workforce.
Benefits for students
- Engaging environment
- Raises aspirations and awareness
- First-hand experience of a workplace
- Encounter with employer with the opportunity to ask questions
- Make it as engaging as possible for students
- Make it visual, for example a tour around your site
- Make it informative. Do you employ any graduates or apprentices who could speak to the students about their experience?
Arrival |
Site induction |
Tour of workplace |