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SEND Classroom Resources

Classroom resources optimised to help primary and secondary schools in Doncaster excel in careers education. All of these resources have been designed to help educational establishments reach the Gatsby benchmarks for career provisions

Education and Training – World of Work

Design, Art and Crafts – World of Work

Catering and Hospitality – World of Work

Building and Construction – World of Work

Gatsby Benchmark 8 Challenge

Gatsby Benchmark 7 Challenge

Gatsby Benchmark 6 Challenge

Gatsby Benchmark 5 Challenge

Gatsby Benchmark 4 Challenge

Gatsby Benchmark 3 Challenge

Gatsby Benchmark 2 Challenge

Gatsby Benchmark 1 Challenge

Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions?

Contact Emma Mellor

Business and Education Executive

01302 640100

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today - Malcolm X

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